Unfortunately the rain seems to have moved in again, which means it doesn’t look like any flying is going to take place this weekend, even though I still hold on to a false sense of hope. I am excited that over the past couple of weeks I have been able to get in quite… more »
Category: <span>Blogs</span>
Kicked when your down…
Well it’s been a while since I’ve had time to write but after today I just had to take a step back from the actual helis and take a deep breath. For some reason being able to write down frustration helps so I figured what better time than now to do a blog post. It’s… more »
When Life Takes Over
As most of you know I am still in college pursuing my B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. What this means for me is that my time is at a premium. When it comes to sharing time between school, academic clubs, helicopters and the podcast it can get quite busy. Last week was much… more »
What’s life without goals?
With everything that’s been going on and with all the crappy weather here in the PNW, it’s really been a challenge to find time to fly lately…and it’s killing me! 🙁 On top of all this, I’ve been struggling to actually be productive during the few sim sessions that I can force myself to endure…. more »
Spring.. I can taste it
Well March is upon us.. This past weekend we saw the best day of the year.. pushing 62 degrees and although it wasn’t exactly sunny, we had those high thin clouds that let the warm sun through and it was just a spectacular day. a few gallons of nitro and some of the best flying… more »
Good Times
Good Times So here I am, finally relaxing and kicking back a little bit since my last blog entry. Of course, I had to get castrated to obtain some relaxing time, but that is another story that can be summed up in a few words, Kara and I don’t want to have any more children. … more »
June, is gonna be AWESOME!!
Its Sunday afternoon Nick and Jessie are headed home. I am hanging out at Deaters place getting ready to edit Episode 74. The only thing that would have made this weekend better is if Justin could have made it out as well. We headed out to Deer Park, WA to take a look at… more »
Insert Random Stuff Here
So, it’s been a bit since my last blog post, but things have been really busy lately…remember that one about burning the candle at both ends? Well, between family, work, helis, and the podcast there doesn’t seem to be much time left…and let’s face it. Sleep is over-rated beyond five hours a night. I don’t… more »
Flying…something fails…carnage. There you have it, you officially know everything that has happened to me over the last month. I have to admit that the last month has really tested my dedication to this hobby, as it has been an expensive month. As of right now all three helis are ready to go and… more »
I am I kidding myself.. or is Spring right around the corner
Ok so this picture has nothing to do with anything heli related, but dammit its funny. So i am feeling a burn, its not a I want to pack up and go home burn, its a I am so tired of winter burn. You might have noticed, and i talked about it a bit on… more »