This blog post comes to you from Thanksgiving 2012…incidentally, this also marks my three-year anniversary in the hobby! It’s been a great time so far and I’m quite certain that there’s much more where that came from. Three years ago today, I brought my T-Rex 500ESP up into a hover in a parking lot near my house with training gear on its skids and a soiled pair of shorts. Little did I know that over the next three years I’d have another three dozen helis across almost every brand out there, meet some of the best people with whom I’ve ever had the privilege to work, and make some really great friends. Oh yeah, and the Nation!
Lots has happened in and out of the hobby for me in the last year… Parting ways with Team Synergy and finding new friends and team members on Team Miniature Aircraft and Mavrikk Blades has been trying, but a great experience that I wouldn’t trade for anything. Next, learning of the greatness that is Dan K. Reed and his RC Heli Nation. I mean, who would have thought that I’d have the opportunity to be a part of something as amazing as what Dan has put together here?!
What else? The recent sponsorship by HeliCommand after a great product review experience…of course, at the time of publishing this blog post, you all won’t have heard of this on our show, but nevertheless it’s one more sponsor to add to the list! Last and by no means least is the birth of my son, who has changed my life in so many ways it’s indescribable…not the least of which is causing me to think how the hell I can get him on a heli transmitter as soon as possible! 😉
There’s always something to complain about though, right? Rain! Rain! Rain! Grrrr…I love living here in the Pacific Northwest, but it’s so frustrating during the winter when all I want to do is get out and put a few flights in. Oh well, the little Blade Nano CPX has been a great toy to mess with when the weather doesn’t allow me to fly the big boys…
There was one more thing I wanted to touch on this week…Hmm, what was it? Oh yeah, Episode #60! 🙂 What a great show…we had a blast making it and laughed our asses off both during and after the recording. Yeah, we did touch on some less-than-desireable topic material, but you know what? We said what needed to be said…no need to dwell on it anymore. It is what it is… Also, thanks again to Larry for the awesome topic idea on “when does someone lose faith in a brand!” That made for a great conversation that hopefully will help others gain perspective on how to deal with such issues…
Wait, there’s ONE more thing!!! The website! Woohoo! It’s finally released and it’s awesome. I’m glad to hear that people are enjoying it. Chatting with listeners on the main page chatbox has been great and hopefully will continue to grow as a new way to hang out with the Nation. Also, thanks to the other Larry for helping us put the finishing touches on the new website and get it released with out having to redo all of our user accounts and iTunes subscriptions!
Lastly, stay tuned for what’s to come…it’s just the beginning and we’ve got a lot of great stuff that we think you guys are going to love! Reviews, give-aways, website stuff, Diggin’ In…Thanks for reading what turned out to be a really random assortment of topics about a ton more than just my three-year heli anniversary! Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it and for those who don’t, just remember that there’s a ton to be thankful for!
– Justin